< Master index Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Biomech Ops >

Index for ./biomechZoo/Toolbox/Biomech Ops

Matlab files in this directory:

 bmech_bodyCOMbmech_bodyCOM computes the overall body center of mass based on weightings of individual
 bmech_ctransformBMECH_CTRANSFORM(fld,ch,c1,c2) batch process coordinate transformation
 bmech_derivBMECH_DERIV(fld,ch,f) batch process differentiation of given channel(s) with filter options
 bmech_filterBMECH_FILTER(fld,ch,filt) batch process filtering of given channel(s) with multiple options
 bmech_massnormalizeBMECH_MASSNORMALIZE (fld,ch,type) mass normalizes the amplitude of force, moment, or
 bmech_normalizeBMECH_NORMALIZE(fld,ch,datalength,method) batch process time normalization
 bmech_resampleBMECH_RESAMPLE(fld,ch,p,q,method) batch process resampling function without filtering
 bmech_reversepolBMECH_REVERSEPOL(fld,ch) batch process polarity reversing for a given channel and
 bmech_velocityBMECH_VELOCITY(fld,ch,method) calculates velocity of a trial based on a given marker.
 bodyCOM_datadata = BODYCOM_DATA(data,ch)computes center of mass (COM) position from all available body
 ctransform_datadata = CTRANSFORM_DATA(data,ch,c1,c2) coordinate transformation
 ctransform_linevout = CTRANSFORM_LINE(vin,c1,c2) will transform a vector from c1 to c2 (T2/1)
 deriv_datadata = DERIV_DATA(data,ch,f) differentiation of given channel(s) with filter options
 deriv_liner = DERIV_LINE(r,fsamp,filt) differentiation with the option to filter.
 fft_line[mean_freq,max_freq,cut]= FFT_LINE(r,fsamp,thresh,graph) performs calculation of
 filter_datadata = FILTER_DATA(data,ch,filt) filtering of given channel(s) with filter options
 filter_linefdata = FILTER_LINE(r,filt,fsamp) filtering via different filter options
 massnormalize_datadata = MASSNORMALIZE_DATA(data,ch,type) mass normalizes the amplitude of force, moment, or
 normalize_datadata = NORMALIZE_DATA(data,ch,ndatalength,method) performs time normalization
 normalize_line[nline,nlength] = NORMALIZE_LINE(r,datalength,method) normalizes data to specific length
 point_to_planeproj_p1 = POINT_TO_PLANE(p1,p2,p3,p4) projects marker p1 into a plane defined by p2, p3, p4
 resamp_nofilterndata = resamp_nofilter(data,factor) takes column vector of any length and
 resample_datadata = resample_data(data,ch,p,q) resampling function without filtering
 reversepol_datadata = REVERSEPOL_data(data,ch) polarity reversing for a given channel and
 reversepol_liner_rev = REVERSEPOL_line(r) polarity reversing for a vector
 segmentCOM_datadata = SEGMENTCOM_DATA(data) computes segmental COM positions for Plug-in Gait marker set

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